Thursday 3 December 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 November - 30 November 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 64,949

Page views: 288,478

Page views per visits:  2.86 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:10

New visitors: 52,067 (51.6%)

Returning visitors: 48,862 (48.4 %)

Top search words from external Google search

devon and cornwall police
devon police
torquay police station
plymouth police
non emergency police number
charles cross police station
exeter police station
plymouth police
cornwall police

Top search words from the internal search

work + experience
shotgun licence

Social sources that link to us

Google +

Pages visited

(no-longer listing individual pages of the recruitment section or listing news article pages this is so that within the list of 10 other pages of the site are included)
home page
traffic watch
find teams
Caught on camera
Court & Convicted
our people

Pages visited: Local Policing sites

Exeter City Centre
Totnes Town
Plymouth City Centre

Traffic source

Organic: 39,408
Direct: 20,688 15,293
intranet: 6,765 6,058
bing / organic: 3,774 1,058
yahoo / organic: 905 530


desktop: 48,218 - 47.77%

mobile: 36,869 - 36.53%

tablet:  15,842 - 15,70%


A list of the mobile devices used.

Apple iphone
Apple ipad
Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
(not set)
Samsung SM-G920F Galaxy S6
Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
Samsung SM-G900FD Galaxy S5
Tesco Hudl 2
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD7
Samsung GT-18190N IIII mini
Sony D5803 Xperia Z3 Compact


  • Chrome: 31,648
  • Internet explorer – 24,330
    • 11.0 – 10,573
    • 9.0 – 8,995
    • 8.0 – 2,605
    • 10.0 - 2,008

    • 7.0 – 143
    • 6.0 – 6
  • Safari: 23,312
  • Safari (in-app): 11,990
  • Firefox: 4,303
  • Android Browser : 2,647
  • Edge 1,186
Amazon silk: 1,056
  • Blackberry: 157
  • Opera: 137

Compared to November 2014 and our previous site

We have had 40.32% more users (64,949 vs 46,285) who spent on average -6.23% (00:02:10 vs 00:01:19) less time on our site and they visited 14.36% more pages (288,478 vs 252,255).

Monday 2 November 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 October - 31 October 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 54,296

Page views: 292,028

Page views per visits:  3.23 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:29

New visitors: 42,344 (46.8%)

Returning visitors: 48,118 (53.2 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

  1. devon and cornwall police
  2. devon police
  3. police
  4. torquay police station
  5. plymouth police station
  6. exeter police station
  7. charles cross police station
  8. exeter police
  9. plymouth police
  10. barnstaple police station

Top 10 search words from the internal search

  1. Jobs
  2. halloween
  3. recruitment
  4. vacancies
  5. firearms
  6. shotgun
  7. trick or treat
  8. transferee
  9. careers
  10. halloween poster

Social sources that link to us

Google +

Pages visited

home page
traffic watch
find teams
Court & Convicted
Caught on camera
our people
lost and found property

Pages visited: Local Policing sites

Exeter City Centre
Plymouth City Centre
Totes Town
St Ives

Traffic source

Organic: 42,004
Direct: 18,875
intranet: 6,740 6,342 5,282
bing / organic: 3,686 1,016 988
yahoo / organic: 973 534


desktop: 48,643 - 53.77%

mobile: 28,298 - 31,28%

tablet:  13,521 - 14.95%


A list of the mobile devices used.

Apple iphone
Apple ipad
Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
(not set)
Tesco Hudl 2
Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
Samsung SM-G920F Galaxy S6
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD7
Sony D5803 Xperia Z3 Compact
Samsung GT-18190N IIII mini


  • Chrome: 27,287
  • Internet explorer – 24,809
    • 9.0 – 10,093
    • 11.0 – 9,622
    • 8.0 – 2,946
    • 10.0 - 1,936
7.0 – 201
    • 6.0 – 11
  • Safari: 23,685
  • Safari (in-app): 5,673
  • Firefox: 4,491
  • Android Browser : 2,131
  • Edge 1,007
Amazon silk: 941
  • Blackberry: 147
  • Opera: 107

Compared to October 2014 and our previous site

We have had -16.41% less users (54,296 vs 64,957) who spent on average 27.12% (00:02:29 vs 00:01:57) longer on our site and they visited 11.56% more pages(296,028 vs 261,757).

Thursday 1 October 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 September - 30 September 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 53,537

Page views: 297,261

Page views per visits:  3.21 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:36

New visitors: 40,947 (44.2%)

Returning visitors: 51.783 (55.8 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

  1. devon and cornwall police
  2. devon police
  3. police
  4. map of devon and cornwall
  5. exeter police station
  6. barnstaple police station
  7. exeter police
  8. devon and cornwall holidays
  9. plymouth police station
  10. police devon

Top 10 search words from the internal search

  1. Jobs
  2. firearms
  3. recruitment
  4. vacancies
  5. work experience
  6. careers
  7. drink
  8. transferees
  9. data protection
  10. occupational health

Social sources that link to us

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Foursquare
  • tiny url
  • Weebly
  • Wordpress

Pages visited

  1. home page
  2. news
  3. recruitment
  4. traffic
  5. contact
  6. find-team
  7. firearms application
  8. Court and convicted
  9. Our people
  10. Caught on camera

Pages visited: Local Policing sites

  1. Totes Town
  2. Saltash
  3. Exeter City Centre
  4. St Autell
  5. Isles of Scilly
  6. Teighnmouth
  7. Plymouth City Centre
  8. Bude
  9. Torquay
  10. Bidford West

Traffic source

  • Organic: 49,732
  • Direct: 18,832
  • Referral: 12,8318
  • Intranet
  • snapsurveys
  • devonandcornwall-pcc-gov-uk
  • Social:11,335


desktop: 50,032 - 53.95%

mobile: 28,576 - 30.82%

tablet: 14,122 - 15.23%


A list of the mobile devices used.

  1. Apple iphone

  2. Apple ipad
  3. Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
  4. (not set)
  5. Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
  6. Tesco Hudl 2
  7. Samsung SM-G920F Galaxy S6
  8. Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD7
  9. Sony D2303 Xperia M2
  10. Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 mini


  • Chrome: 27,369
  • Internet explorer – 26,140
    • 9.0 – 11,263
    • 11.0 – 9,773
    • 8.0 – 3,036
    • 10.0 - 1,894

    • 7.0 – 164
    • 6.0 – 9
    • 5.0 - 1
  • Safari: 25,092
  • Firefox: 4,760
  • Safari (in-app): 4,578
  • Android Browser : 2,278

  • Amazon silk: 1,107
  • Edge 883
  • Blackberry: 242
  • Opera: 118

Compared to September 2015 and our previous site

We have had -11.13% less users (53,537 vs 60,240) who spent on average 26.50% (00:02:36 vs 00:02:03) longer on our site and they visited 26.32% more pages(297,261 vs 235,332).

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 August - 31 August 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 72,543

Page views: 357,335

Page views per visits:  3.02 avg.

Visit duration: 00:02:18

New visitors: 57,870 (48.9%)

Returning visitors: 60,517 (51.1 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

  1. devon and cornwall police
  2. devon police
  3. police
  4. blocked drains newnham
  5. map of devon and cornwall
  6. non emergency police number
  7. devon & cornwall
  8. devon and cornwall
  9. exeter police
  10. exeter police station

Top 10 search words from the internal search

  1. Jobs
  2. stop search
  3. recruitment
  4. vacancies
  5. lay observations
  6. transferees
  7. firarms
  8. stop search faqs
  9. public scutiny
  10. community trigger

Social sources that link to us

  1. Facebook

  2. Twitter


  4. HootSuite

  5. Blogger

  6. Foursquare

  7. Pockets (Formerly Read It Later)
  8. tiny url
  9. Weebly
  10. Wordpress

Pages visited

(no-longer listing individual pages of the recruitment section or listing news article pages this is so that within the list of 10 other pages of the site are included)
  1. home page
  2. news
  3. traffic
  4. recruitment
  5. contact
  6. find-team
  7. firearms application
  8. Court and convicted
  9. Our people
  10. Caught on camera

Pages visited: Local Policing site

  • Isles-of-Scilly
  • Totnes Town
  • Exeter City Centre
  • Bude Town
  • Ivybridge
  • St Ives
  • Plymouth City Centre
  • Saltash Town
  • Teignmouth
  • Exmouth Town

Traffic source

  • Google / organic: 51,651
  • Direct 21,830
  • / referral 11,608
  • / referral 9,258
  • intranet /referral 7,384
  • bing / organic 4,064
  • 2,262
  • / referral 1,822
  • yahoo / organis 1,481
  • 685


desktop: 54,166 - 45.49%

mobile: 43,992 - 37.16%

tablet:  20,229 - 17.09%


A list of the mobile devices used.

  • Apple iphone

  • Apple ipad
  • (not set)
  • Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
  • Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
  • Tesco Hudl 2
  • Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S 4 mini
  • Sony D2303 Xperia M2
  • Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD7
  • Sony D5803 Xperia Z3 Compact


  • Chrome: 35,829
  • Safari: 23,432
  • Internet explorer – 27,097
    • 11.0 – 10,714
    • 9.0 – 10,543
    • 8.0 – 3,394
    • 10.0 - 2,208

    • 7.0 – 232
    • 6.0 – 6
  • Safari (in-app): 10,702
  • Firefox: 5,658
  • Android Browser : 4,099

  • Amazon silk: 1,446
  • Mozilla Compatible Agent: 281
  • Edge 276
  • Blackberry: 240

Compared to August 2014 and our previous site

We have had 14.53% more users (72,543 vs 63,337) who spent on average 27.96% (00:02:18 vs 00:01:48) longer on our site and they visited 56,45% more pages(357,335 vs 228,400).

Monday 24 August 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 July - 31 July 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 85,389

Page views: 421,189

Page views per visits:  3.09 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:28

New visitors: 69,665 (51.2%)

Returning visitors: 66,494 (48.8 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

  1. devon and cornwall police
  2. devon police
  3. police
  4. non emergency phone number
  5. map of devon and cornwall
  6. charles cross police station
  7. torquay police station
  8. devon & cornwall police
  9. devon and cornwall
  10. devon cornwall police

Top 10 search words from the internal search

  1. Jobs
  2. Recruitment
  3. firearms
  4. vacancies
  5. traffic
  6. lost property
  7. careers
  8. Exeter
  9. PCSO
  10. Police

Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           77,046 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          12,423 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          10,126 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        15,538 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        11,345 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      7,881 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              1,800 visits

Pages visited

  • home page
  • Recruitment
  • Police Officer
  • current vacancies
  • News
  • Traffic Watch
  • police staff
  • Contact
  • Our people
  • find team

Traffic source

  • Google / organic: 54,139
  • / referral 24,064
  • Direct 23,206
  • / referral 8,650
  • intranet /referral 7,964
  • bing / organic 4,484
  • 3,614
  • / referral 1,614
  • yahoo / organis 1,634
  • 1,004


desktop: 59,171 - 43.46%

mobile: 56,107 - 41.21%

tablet:  20,881 - 15.34%


A list of the mobile devices used.

  • Apple iphone
Apple ipad
  • (not set)
  • Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
  • Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
  • Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S 4 mini
  • Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
  • Sony D2303 Xperia M2
  • Tesco Hudl 2
  • Samsung GT-18190N  Galaxy S III mini


  • Chrome: 40,051
  • Safari: 33,061
  • Internet explorer – 30,815
    • 11.0 – 12,201
    • 9.0 – 11,802
    • 8.0 – 4,302
    • 10.0 - 2,274

    • 7.0 – 220
    • 6.0 – 16
  • Safari (in-app): 19,001
  • Firefox: 5,653
  • Android Browser : 4,604

  • Amazon silk: 1,460
  • Mozilla Compatible Agent: 811
  • Opera 235
  • Blackberry: 185

Compared to July 2014 and our previous site

We have had 47.22% more users (85,389 vs 58,002) who spent on average 38.44% (00:02:28 vs 00:01:47) longer on our site and they visited 92.75% more pages(421,189 vs 218,519).

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 June - 30 June 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 62,912

Visits: 101,741 (the number of visits to the site those 62,912 people made)

Page views: 321,750

Page view per visits:  3.16 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:22

New visitors: 50,933 (50.1%)

Returning visitors: 50,808 (49.9 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

  1. devon
  2. police
  3. devon and cornwall police
  4. devon and cornwall police firearms
  5. devon and cornwall police jobs
  6. report my loss
  7. devon police
  8. devon and cornwall
  9. special constable
  10. devon & cornwall police

Top 10 search words from the internal search

  1. Jobs
  2. vacancies
  3. firearms
  4. recruitment
  5. sergeant spalding
  6. wanted
  7. firearms
  8. crown currency
  9. lost property
  10. recruitment

Behaviour - engagement – how long you stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           58,827 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          8,729 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          7,354 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        11,475 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        8,715 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      5,360 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              1,281 visits

Pages visited

  1. home page
  2. news
  3. recruitment
  4. current vacancies
  5. traffic watch
  6. contact
  7. police staff
  8. news: driving licence counterpart
  9. find team
  10. news: police release images after incident

Traffic source

  1. Google / organic: 41,929
  2. Direct 19,228
  3. / referral 10,210
  4. / referral 8,893
  5. intranet /referral 6,550
  6. bing / organic 3,326
  7. / referral 2,010
  8. 1,862
  9. yahoo / organis 1,222
  10. 954


desktop: 51,250 - 50.37%

mobile: 34,514 - 33,92%

tablet:  15,977 - 15,70%


  1. A list of the mobile devices used.

  2. Apple iphone
Apple ipad
  3. (not set)
  4. Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
  5. Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
  6. Tesco Hudi 2
  7. Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
  8. Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
  9. Sony D2303 Xperia M2
  10. Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 Mini


Chrome: 30,307

Internet explorer – 26,475

  • 9.0 – 10,041
  • 11.0 – 9,911
  • 8.0 – 4,245
  • 10.0 - 2,035
7.0 – 228
  • 6.0 – 14
Safari: 24,053
Safari (in-app): 10,311
Firefox: 5,043
Android Browser : 3,325
Amazon silk: 1,178
Mozilla Compatible Agent: 321
not set 265
opera: 203

Compared to last year

Compared to June 2014 and our previous site
We have had 19.75% more users (62,912 vs 52,538) who spent on average 33.81% (00:02:22 vs 00:01:46) longer on our site and they visited 58.80% more pages (321,750 vs 202,616).

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 May - 31 May 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 55,826

Visits: 90,474 (the number of visits to the site those 55,826 people made)

Page views: 303,557

Page view per visits:  3.36 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:29

New visitors: 44,984 (49.7%)

Returning visitors: 45,490 (50.3 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

  1. devon
  2. devon and cornwall police
  3. police
  4. aa road watch
  5. devon and cornwall police jobs
  6. devon and cornwall
  7. devon and cornwall police firearms
  8. report my loss
  10. special constables

Top 10 search words from the internal search

  1. survey
  2. jobs
  3. firearms
  4. transferees
  5. vacancies
  6. Survey
  7. lost+property
  8. lost property
  9. Shotgun
  10. crime+map

Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           48,251 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          9,339 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          7,291 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        11,429 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        8,195 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      4,842 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              1,127 visits

Pages visited

  • home page
  • Current vacancies
  • news
  • recruitment
  • recruitment police staff
  • police staff
  • traffic watch
  • contact
  • application firearms
  • traffic watch text update

Traffic source

  • Google / organic: 41,460
  • Direct 19,247
  • / referral 8,261
  • / referral 7,938
  • bing / organic 2,931
  • intranet /referral 1,837
  • / referral 1,192
  • yahoo / organis 1,158
  • 975
  • 846


desktop: 41,408 - 47.76%

mobile: 33,295 - 36,80%

tablet:  15,771 - 17.43%


A list of the mobile devices used.

  1. Apple iphone

  2. Apple ipad
  3. (not set)
  4. Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
  5. Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
  6. Sony D2303 Xperia M2
  7. Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
  8. Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
  9. Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
  10. Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 Mini


  • Chrome: 26,893
  • Safari: 24,874
  • Internet explorer – 19,208
    • 11.0 – 8,495
    • 9.0 – 5,442
    • 8.0 – 3,064
    • 10.0 - 1,946

    • 7.0 – 206
    • 6.0 – 55
  • Safari (in-app): 9,487
  • Firefox: 4,597
  • Android Browser : 3,401
Amazon silk: 1,175
  • opera: 228
  • Mozilla Compatible Agent: 204
  • Blackberry: 150

Compared to May 2014 and our previous site

We have had 25.47% more users (44,494 vs 55,826) who spent on average 26.28% (00:02:29 vs 00:01:58) longer on our site and they visited 54.56% more pages (303,557 vs 196,403).

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 April - 30 April 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 38,174

Visits: 65,8751 (the number of visits to the site those 38,174 people made)

Page views: 236,352

Page view per visits:  3.59 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:44

New visitors: 30,152 (45.8%)

Returning visitors: 35,723 (54.2 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

  1. devon
  2. police
  3. devon and cornwall police
  4. aa road watch
  5. devon and cornwall
  6. devon and cornwall police jobs
  8. report my loss
  9. torquay police station
  10. traffic watch

Top 10 search words from the internal search

  1. Jobs
  2. firearms
  3. lay patrols
  4. recruitment
  5. jobs
  6. targets
  7. vacancies
  8. lost property
  9. lay patrols
  10. puppy blog

Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           33,368 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          6,890 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          5,513 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        8,793 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        6,449 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      3,915 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              947 visits

Pages visited

  1. home page
  2. News
  3. recruitment
  4. Current vacancies
  5. Traffic watch
  6. Contact 
  7. police staff
  8. local policing
  9. firearms
  10. police officer

Traffic source

  1. Google / organic: 33,793
  2. Direct 15,521
  3. / referral 4,319
  4. bing / organic 2,644
  5. / referral 1,706
  6. intranet /referral 1,432 
  7. / referral 953
  8. yahoo / organis 909
  9. / referral 851
  10. 461


desktop: 35,355 - 53.67%

mobile: 19,770 - 30.01%

tablet:  10,.750- 16.320%


  1. A list of the mobile devices used.

  2. Apple iphone
Apple ipad
  3. (not set)
  4. Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
  5. Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
  6. Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
  7. Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 Mini
  8. Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
  9. Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7

  10. Google nexus 7
  11. Sony D2303 Xperia M2


  • Chrome: 20,387
  • Safari: 18,803
  • Internet explorer – 16,386
    • 11.0 – 6,935
    • 9.0 – 4,779
    • 8.0 – 2,806
    • 10.0 - 1,602
7.0 – 210
    • 6.0 – 54
  • Firefox: 4,121
Safari (in-app): 2,628
  • Android Browser : 2,,354
  • Amazon silk: 851
  • opera: 142
  • Blackberry: 86
  • IE with Chrome Frame 37

Compared to April 2014 and our previous site

We have had -16.52% less users (38,174 vs 45,730) who spent on average 52.75% (00:02:44 vs 00:01:47) longer on our site and they visited 27.03% more pages(236,352 vs 186,066).

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 March - 31 March 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 40,827

Visits: 71,121 (the number of visits to the site those 40,827 people made)

Page views: 258,371
Page view per visits:  3.63 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:41

New visitors: 32,820 (46.1%)

Returning visitors: 38,301 (53.9 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

not provided
devon and cornwall police
police wildlife crime team devon and cornwall paul freestone
devon and cornwall police jobs
devon and cornwall police traffic news
devon traffic
devon & Cornwall police
devon cornwall polcie
devon and cornwall police traffic
devon police

Top 10 search words from the internal search


Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           37,250 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          6,804 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          5,715 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        9,226 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        6,996 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      4,158 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              972 visits

Pages visited

home page
Current vacancies
Traffic watch
Court & Convicted
Find team
firearms application forms
traffic watch/ text updates

Traffic source

Google / organic: 33,669
Direct 16,585 / referral 5,188 / referral 2,877
bing / organic 2,659 / referral 1,641
intranet /referral 1,463 / referral 1,371
yahoo / organis 846 540


desktop: 27,587 - 52.85%

mobile: 21,303 - 29.95%

tablet:  12,231 - 17.20%


A list of the mobile devices used.

Apple iphone

Apple ipad
(not set)
Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
Google nexus 7
Sony D2303 Xperia M2


Chrome: 21,701
Safari: 19,141

Internet explorer – 17,752
    11.0 – 7,615
      9.0 – 4,749
      8.0 – 3,354
    10.0 - 1,689
7.0 – 286
      6.0 – 59

Safari (in-app): 4,287
Firefox: 4,0855
Android Browser : 2,903
Amazon silk: 927
opera: 144
Blackberry: 85
opera mini 26

Compared to March 2014 and our previous site
We have had -21.16% less users (40,827 vs 51,787) who spent on average 51.90% (00:02:41 vs 00:01:46) longer on our site and they visited 22.76% more pages (258,371 vs 210,473).

A day with a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO)

On the 27 February I spent the day with the Sidmouth Rural PSCO Chris Bolsover. The day was arranged when I made a passing comment during a training session with Chris in early December. I was training Chris on how to update the new Local Policing site and we were talking about Team Priorities. Chris explained that the priorities for his area were the same issues that came up again and again. I then commented that maybe I should go out on patrol with him so that I got more of an understanding of what it is the teams did -and that was it, Chris suggested a time & date, and I was on my way to Sidmouth!
PC Dave Wallace and PCSO Chris Bolsover
I arrived at 9:35 am, parked in the Sidmouth Police station car park, and within a few minutes a police mini-van pulled up with Chris and PC Dave Wallace, the Neighbourhood Beat Manager (NBM), inside. Both men were on good form, and the friendly banter between them continued after introductions had been made and tea and coffee organised.

We made our way up stairs where I was briefly introduced to Sergeant Andy Squires, the Neighbourhood Team Leader (NTL) for Seaton and Sidmouth.

While we waited for Andy to finish his emails, Chris showed me round the Station. What appeared from the outside to be a big building, seemed a little less capacious from inside. The rooms were small but well laid out, including the ground floor two-roomed gym, which I was assured all officers used. Dave used the gym almost daily, particularly for the two weeks before his yearly physical, Chris said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

The old police enquiry office is now the home of the local Civil Enforcement Officers (Traffic Wardens to me and anyone else over thirty). The room next to this was used for the ‘Have your say’ meetings, and is home to small piles of community information literature that the Force and its partners have produced, along with the ‘Have Your Say’ blue book. Chris showed me the book, and the empty dated pages. The empty pages testified that although Local councilors often turned up, members of the public did not. And so it was that they, like many local policing teams, decided to hold the meetings where members of the public were guaranteed to be present, in the town library and in the library van that visits the smaller villages within their catchment area. The blank pages became a list of issues. Chris described how one lady he was talking to became very agitated while talking about the dog mess in her area, and was quite adamant that the police should do something about it. Then she calmed down a little and smiling, said that if that was all she had to complain about that really she was quite lucky!

Chris then showed me a map of the area that he and his team were tasked to cover and briefly outlined the day’s itinerary: we would all drive to Seaton, I was to go with Andy who wanted to chat to me about the area and Chris and Dave were in the other car. At Seaton we were to meet the Seaton team, drop into a Community speed watch training session, and then go out to do some actual speed checking (hence the requirement for two vehicles).

While we waited Chris talked about another issue in the area, namely car park theft. The Seaton and Sidmouth area has many car parks, some of which are in quite secluded locations, and it wasn’t always local thieves that raided them. He went on to relate that they knew of a least one group that came down to the area from up country, a large extended family from Hampshire which visited around once a month and either wandered around the cars checking for items left in plain view, or watched where visitors put their valuables before going out on their walks. One visiting lady had placed her handbag in the boot, and the watching thieves had smashed the back window and snatched the bag. Unfortunately she not only had her house keys in the bag along with her address, but also her credit and debit cards in her wallet along with her pin numbers. In a joint effort the policing teams of Hampshire and Devon had gathered enough evidence to ensure that three of the family members would spend some time at Her Majesty’s Pleasure! Subsequent to these successes the number of car park thefts declined, and whilst they did not however stop completely, // now anyone hanging around a car park may find themselves the subject of attention from a passing local officer.

With the impending arrival of Inspector Simon Weare, it was time to get down to Seaton and we piled into the cars.
On the way to Seaton Chris hand delivered a letter. I stayed in the police van and practiced with the camera.
At the station 10 or so volunteer members of the public were waiting for their photo to be taken for Community Watch ID badges. One of the volunteers explained to Seaton PC Stephen Speariett his reason for getting involved: He walks his dog along a narrow path next to a busy road and is often quite unnerved by the speeding vehicles that he feels whistling by him. He had complained to the police, and when he heard about the Community Speed Watch he decided to get directly involved. His attitude was simple; ‘Put up or shut up’.  ‘Help or don’t complain’; and so he had volunteered.

I was then introduced to Elaine Heartly who does the training and issues the speed guns, the ‘Community Speed Watch area’ warning signs and the high visibility coats.

Chris explained that once the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and training had been carried out, the volunteers would be able to go out and do speed checks within their neighbourhood. Naturally they cannot give tickets, but all speeding vehicles are logged and entered onto a database which produces warning letters that are posted to those caught driving too fast. If caught again by the Community Speed Watchers, a PCSO delivers the letter by hand, and if caught for a third time their details are entered onto the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system. If one of these cameras then picks them up for speeding the consequences could be a fine, penalty points or a referral to a rectification-driving course.
Chatting before speed watch training begins
The small training room was full, the table loaded with the requisite hot drinks, donuts and biscuits and in the corner the camera they would be using was leaning against the wall on its tripod. Around the table the volunteers sat in expectant conversation. Sat at the head of the table Elaine was waiting patiently for all to join her after they have had their photograph taken by Stephen who would also be joining them to help answer any questions.
Inspector Simon Weare, Andy Squires and Chris
The inspector then arrived with PC Simon Aldred, the new NBM for Axminster. After introducing himself and Simon, he moved to one side to talk to his officers and I talked with Simon about web training, placing content on the intranet, ‘Caught on camera’ and Facebook.

It was time to set off again, with Chris and I in the Police car, and Dave and Andy in the Police mini van. It was decided that Chris and I would use the speed gun (which had been calibrated earlier that morning) and Dave and Andy would stop any cars we radioed through. I was to keep track of the speeds of the cars that Chris captured. We parked up and got into position, checked the radio, tested the gun again on a passing rowing boat, and hailed the rowers with a speed reading, a wave and a smile. I took some pictures and held the clipboard and pencil.

The row boat was moving at 1 mile and hour!
The spot was a very pretty one and I was somewhat distracted, wanting to take pictures of the picturesque scene of river, tram and rowing boat.

Chris checking the speed of vehicles

‘35’ Chris called, and all thoughts of photographic composition were rapidly abandoned as, knocking the camera which was hanging round my neck out of the way, I checked the ‘35’ box.
With the next call, ‘46’ Chris was on the radio to Dave,
‘Dave the silver car registration number whiskey… was doing 46.’
The road, as the sign placed but a few feet away clearly stated, had a 40-mile per hour limit. We had our first customer. In total, Chris radioed through 5 speeding cars, and also registered 2 cars where the occupants weren’t wearing seat belts. At least no one was pulled over for using a mobile phone.

Chris explained that the results of the speed check would later go on his team local policing website, which was updated once a week, a process which he reckoned took him about half an hour. One of the community’s clearest priorities had been identified as speed, and so he had promised to go out whenever he could and do some checks on various problem roads on his patch.  Usually done on his own, occasionally Dave joins him and ‘Officer Seen Conditional Offer’ (OSCO) tickets (replacement for the fixed penalty tickets) are issued, enforcing this community’s priority.

It is of course the case that the officer takes no part in the decision of whether a fine, penalty points or a rectification course is the result of the ticket being issued. The officer simply writes up a ticket and the driver is talked through the process and advised of what could happen and that a letter will be sent through the post. The officer also reinforces the speed limit message explaining the dangers of speeding and advises the driver to slow down in future. When back in the office the ticket will be processed and another department will review the report to make the decision as to which penalty letter will be sent out.

Back with Dave and Chris, after another 15 minutes or so we headed back to Sidmouth and lunch. On the way back Chris pulled into several car parks and had a quick look round; all was as it should be.

As we continued our journey back to the station Chris also pointed out several Caravan parks that he intended to visit in order to talk to the owners about security and theft prevention for the caravans, as well as the visitors belongings. He said that the visitors liked seeing officers on site and that he and his colleagues introduced themselves and handed out crime prevention leaflets and stickers to the children.

Back at the station we headed for the kitchen and I was treated to some friendly banter between Chris, Dave and Andy, especially when I took the chocolate biscuits from my bag for all to share. We listened to the news while we ate and Andy explained that it was very difficult to get half an hour of peace and quiet to eat his lunch. As if to prove his point, his work phone rang.

Andy told me a little about his policing career. In 2000 - 2006 he was a NBM in Exmouth. He won an award for his ‘old fashioned approach to policing’, which was presented to him by David Blunkett, the Home Secretary at the time. He then became a response officer and earned a promotion to Sergeant and then went back to neighbourhood policing as an NTL for Seaton and Sidmouth. He believes very strongly in building a community which, in partnership with police, can work to reduce crime and keep those who are vulnerable safe.

In Exmouth as a PC he had built very good relationships with the shopkeepers and taxi drivers, and through a sharing of community lead intelligence he was well informed of what was going on. The shopkeepers and drivers in turn were given the latest crime prevention material, a heads-up to be on their guard against business-related criminal activity and, of course, the reassurance that Andy would pop in again soon. From what I witnessed his Seaton and Sidmouth team are made from the same stuff as Andy and are very community-focused.

When he can, Andy goes to the local town council meetings which he finds is an excellent way of keeping himself and his team informed of local developments and of picking up on potential problems early. The councillors appreciate his time and interest and he in turn finds that they are more amenable to suggested solutions to issues arising. They can also occasionally help financially as when, at a town council meeting when the issue of speeding was raised again, Andy had explained that they had to share a hand-held speed camera with Ottery St Mary. The councilors, a little taken aback at this revelation, set to and agreed funding and the Seaton Sidmouth teams had their own camera.  

While I had been chatting with Andy, Chris had been updating his local policing team website and when Andy moved back to his office and his emails Chris asked my advice on a formatting issue he had with the site.

Formatting fun over, we then take to the road again, with an unusual to-do list for a web designer-
  1. Check for a certain vehicle on a housing estate,
  2. Check a possible abandoned van,
  3. Visit a school to keep the car parking peace,
  4. And finally check on a privately owned airstrip.
As we headed for the housing estate Chris and I talked about the importance of getting to know the community, so that a trust can grow and information be exchanged, especially important of course when door-to-door investigation is required. Arriving at the estate, a car was noted and the number plate called in, but it didn’t belong to the person that Chris was looking for. Ever-alert, Chris then noticed a car with three young people in it whom he did not recognize as living locally; he also noticed that the young person in the back was not wearing a seat belt. Managing to get the drivers attention before they pulled away he introduced himself as the local PCSO. The young man responded in a friendly manner giving his name and when Chris said that he hadn’t seen him around the estate before, the man told Chris that he had only recently moved in. Chris explained that he often patrolled the estate and that if there are any issues to please let him know. With a firm but friendly reminder that they all wear their seat belts, the belted occupants drove away.
Suspected abandoned van
We then moved on to our next call, the van, allegedly abandoned for 3 months. Chris suspected that it hadn’t actually been abandoned, but just parked in the car park, but because it had a flat tyre he was concerned that if it wasn’t moved soon it would soon be targeted and parts stripped off it. We pulled into the car park and Chris went to speak to some walkers gathered around their car changing back into day shoes after a walk, and asked if any of them had reported the van or had noticed anything suspicious. Having had no luck, a cheery bye-bye and we headed off on foot towards the school, stopping on the way so that Chris could talk to a local shopkeeper and enquire about a mutual ‘friend’ who, yes, had been notable by his absence.
Chris outside the school
At the school, Chris went in to talk to the secretary and a teacher about an email. The teacher then told him about a parent wanting to arrange a meeting to discuss the possibility of a new road crossing outside the school. Chris said he would be happy to be involved. We moved outside the small lively school and Chris greeted the parents and children with another cheery hello. In conversation with another parent Chris did not hear the young boy chant ‘I’m the FART man’ or his mother respond with ‘be quiet now or the policeman will tell you off.’ I later bring this up and ask if he is often asked to discipline people’s children. Chris confirmed that yes, this did happen but he would always discourage parents from doing so. He explained that if children grew up fearing the police that they would be less likely to call on them for help or be inclined to share information of a potentially more serious nature when older.
Removal notice
We headed back to the car park and on the way called at a house and enquired of the person who answered the door if he was owner of the van. The gentleman who answered said that the van was his father’s and that it would be moved within the next day or so. At the car park Chris spoke to two elderly ladies who confirmed that it was they who had called it in to the police. They said that they were worried someone was living in the van as they could see tea-making facilities. Chris reassured them that he had spoken to the owners and that it would be moved soon. As we walked around the van we noticed that it had a removal notice on it from the council. The 24hr car park is free for all but is not meant to function as permanent car/van storage.

As we got back in the car the conversation moved on to the varied roles a PSCO fulfills, and the difficulty of remembering everyone’s name. Chris then spoke with a passion about how the police are often the only ones left standing because they are a 24hr service and that they have needed to become very knowledgeable about other services available to their communities. He went onto to relate how one evening he was called to investigate an open external door to an old lady’s house, reported by a concerned neighbour. He had entered calling out the name of the lady and that he was the police. He had found the lady in a state of considerable distress in the lounge. He had phoned her son who said that he couldn’t get out to his mother until the following day. It had then fallen to Chris, as the ‘last man’, to reassure the old lady, clean up the distressing mess and make sure she was comfortable and relatively happy before he left. She was living on her own and so the following day he had rung the appropriate agencies to make sure they were aware of her vulnerabilities. He also rang the son to update him and ascertain whether he had visited his Mother as yet. This PCSO’s duties seemed to be widely drawn.

We then visited the airstrip to check that all was as it should be and to speak to the owner to enquire if they have seen anything suspicious. Next stop was the residence of an elderly gentleman, again living on his own. Chris, who had suggested that the man apply for an emergency panic button, the type that he could wear around his neck and activate if he fell, was proudly shown the button by the elderly gentleman. He explained to me that if he pushes the button the care service rings the house and if he can’t get to the phone an ambulance is sent round to check on him. Happy for the attention, he informed us that later he was going to walk up the garden with his phone and check the buttons range.

On the way back to the station Chris, still concerned for the elderly man, considered suggesting to him that he replace his two walking sticks with a walking frame. We headed back to the station along a different route taking in a few of the smaller hamlets on his patch.

Five O’clock, and we are back at the station. We say our goodbyes and I thank Chris and his team for a fascinating day.
Chris on patrol
I have always been a fan of the Local Policing teams and the PSCO’s and I now have an even greater admiration for them than I did previously. As I said to the last member of the public that we met, I felt privileged to be given the opportunity to spend a day with the team, and although afterwards I thought I may have sounded a bit pompous, as I write this and remember the busy day we had and the various ways we had made a difference to the people we had encountered, that’s exactly how I feel.

As for the team’s priorities, I would say that the main one was to keep everyone safe and reassured by being proactive members of the community. They speed check with high visibility jackets on as a reminder to drivers of speeding vehicles to slow down, to wear their seatbelts and not to use mobile phones. They patrol the car parks, streets and country lanes and will stop and chat always keen to add your concerns to their list, which in turn extends and refines the community intelligence jigsaw. They help set up and attend meetings, make calls and try to link those in need to those who can answer that need, all the while with an eye to the community’s priorities and issues on the ‘Have Your Say’ list.

They advise, they support, they protect. They are your local policing team.

And they’re there for you.

Karen Gandy, web designer.

Monday 2 March 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 February - 28 February 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 43,674

Visits: 78,078 (the number of visits to the site those 43,674 people made)

Page views: 293,752

Page view per visits:  3.76
Visit duration: 00:02:51

New visitors: 33,483 (42.9%)

Returning visitors: 44,595 (57.1 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

  1. devon and cornwall police
  2. police
  3. devon and cornwall police jobs
  4. devon and cornwall police
  5. devon and cornwall police firearms
  6. special constable
  8. bbd devon travel
  9. devon
  10. devon and cornwall

Top 10 search words from the internal search

  1. jobs
  2. recruitment
  3. firearms
  4. vacancies
  5. puppy scheme
  6. PCSO
  7. Plymouth
  8. Shotgun
  9. exeter
  10. work experience

Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           39,052 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          8,371 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          6,547 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        10,291 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        7,835 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      4,751 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              1,231 visits

Pages visited

home page
Current vacancies
Traffic watch
Court & Convicted
Find team
Caught on camera
Contact forms

Traffic source

Google / organic: 36,646
Direct 18,781 / referral 5,260 / referral 3,239
bing / organic 2,772 / referral 1,820
intranet /referral 1,471 / referral 1,471
yahoo / organis 1,056 671


desktop: 39,818 - 51.00%

mobile: 24,264 - 31.08%

tablet:  13,996 - 17,93%


A list of the mobile devices used.

Apple iphone
Apple ipad
(not set)
Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
Samsung SM-G900A Galaxy S5

Google nexus 7


Chrome: 23,030
Safari: 21,802

Internet explorer – 19,448
(IE versions
11.0 – 8,585
9.0 – 4,806
8.0 – 3,825
10.0 - 1,788
7.0 – 367
6.0 – 76)

Safari (in-app): 4,570
Firefox: 4,375
Android Browser : 3,327
Amazon silk: 1,067
opera: 218
Blackberry: 118
opera mini 31

Compared to last February in 2014 and our previous site

We have had -21.72% less users (43,674 vs 55,795) who spent on average 48.15% (00:02:51 vs 00:01:56) longer on our site and they visited 26.18% (293,752 vs 232,809) more pages.

Monday 9 February 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 January - 31 January 2015


The number of people (Users) who visited this site: 53,690

Visits (sessions): 95,997 (the number of visits to the site those 53,690 users made)

Page views: 359,891

Page visits (Pages / sessions):  3.75
Visit Duration: 00:02:40
New Visitors: 42,990 (44.8%)
Returning Visitors: 53,007 (55.2%)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

devon and cornwall police
bbd devon travel
devon & cornwall police firearms
devon and cornwall police jobs
devon  and cornwall police
traffic watch
devon police
devon travel news

Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           47,889 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          10,510 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          8,307 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        12,884 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        9,492 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      5,536 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              1,379 visits

Traffic source

Google / organic: 42,636
Direct 21,839 / referral 7,627 / referral 7,086
bing / organic 3,143
intranet /referral 1,758 / referral 1,694 / referral 1,456
yahoo / organis 1,228 934


desktop: 45,525 - 47.42%

mobile: 33,491 - 34.89%

tablet:  16,981 - 17,69%


A list of the mobile devices used.

Apple iphone

Apple ipad
Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
(not set)
Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
Samsung SM-G900A Galaxy S5
Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
Google nexus 7


Chrome: 27,336
Safari: 25,812

Internet explorer – 22,288

11.0 – 9,405
9.0 – 5,480
8.0 – 4,735
10.0 - 2,132
7.0 – 456
6.0 – 80

Safari (in-app): 9,169
Firefox: 5,108
Android Browser : 4,345
Amazon silk: 1,287
opera: 202
Blackberry: 187
Mozilla Compatible agent 136

Compared to last January 2014 and our previous site

We have had -38.93% less users (53,690 vs 87,911) who spent on average 70.34% (00:02:40 vs 00:01:34) longer on our site and they visited slightly more pages 10.94% (359,891 vs 324,405). (On the 3 (13,960) and 19 (12,106) January last year we had a sharp increase in the number of visitors to our site due to the weather and the washing away of part of the Dawlish sea wall and near collapse of the rail line.)

Friday 2 January 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 December - 31 December 2014


The number of people (Users) who visited this site: 29,530

Visits (sessions): 48,300 (the number of visits to the site those 29,530 users made)

Page views: 151,442

Page visits (Pages / sessions):  3.14
Visit Duration: 00:02:12
New Visitors: 22,452 (46.5%)
Returning Visitors: 25,848 (53.5%)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

devon and cornwall police
devon & cornwall police
devon and cornwall police jobs
devon  and cornwall police firearms
devon police
devon cornwall police
teen 8
traffic watch

Most popular site pages/sections:

Traffic watch
Local Policing find my team
Our people
Court and convicted
Caught on Camera

Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           27,568 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          4,015 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          3,745 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        5,821 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        4,068 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      2,507 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              576 visits

Traffic source

Organic search : 20,225
Direct 12,332 / referral 2,818 / referral 2,186
bing / organic 1,696
intranet /referral 1,342 / referral 1,260 / referral 1,046
dlvr / twitter 780
yahoo / organis 680


desktop: 26,802 - 55.49%

mobile: 13,618 - 328.19%

tablet:  7,880 - 16.31%


A list of the mobile devices used.

Apple iphone
Apple ipad
(not set)
Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 Mini
Google nexus 7
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
Samsung SM-G900A Galaxy S5


Internet explorer – 13,760
11.0 – 5,243
9.0 – 3,729
8.0 – 3,206
10.0 - 1,247
7.0 – 284
6.0 – 51

Chrome: 13,603
Safari: 10,909
Safari (in-app): 3,713
Firefox: 3,228
Android Browser : 2,212
Amazon silk: 522
opera: 99
Mozilla Compatible agent 92
Blackberry: 76

Compared to last year Jan 1 - Dec 31 2013

We have 6.83% more users (558,357 vs 522,646) who spent on average 1.69% (00:01:53 vs 00:01:51) longer on our site but they visited slightly fewer pages -1.53% (2,700,477 vs 2,742,489).