The number of people who visited this site: 62,912Visits: 101,741 (the number of visits to the site those 62,912 people made)
Page views: 321,750
Page view per visits: 3.16 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:22
New visitors: 50,933 (50.1%)
Returning visitors: 50,808 (49.9 %)
Top 10 search words from external Google search
- devon
- police
- devon and cornwall police
- devon and cornwall police firearms
- devon and cornwall police jobs
- report my loss
- devon police
- devon and cornwall
- special constable
- devon & cornwall police
Top 10 search words from the internal search
- Jobs
- vacancies
- firearms
- recruitment
- sergeant spalding
- wanted
- firearms
- crown currency
- lost property
- recruitment
Behaviour - engagement – how long you stayed
Visit duration 0 – 10 seconds 58,827 visitsVisit duration 11 – 30 seconds 8,729 visits
Visit duration 31 – 60 seconds 7,354 visits
Visit duration 61 – 180 seconds 11,475 visits
Visit duration 181 – 600 seconds 8,715 visits
Visit duration 601 – 1800 seconds 5,360 visits
Visit duration 1801 +seconds 1,281 visits
Pages visited
- home page
- news
- recruitment
- current vacancies
- traffic watch
- contact
- police staff
- news: driving licence counterpart
- find team
- news: police release images after incident
Traffic source
- Google / organic: 41,929
- Direct 19,228
- / referral 10,210
- / referral 8,893
- intranet /referral 6,550
- bing / organic 3,326
- / referral 2,010
- 1,862
- yahoo / organis 1,222
- 954
desktop: 51,250 - 50.37%mobile: 34,514 - 33,92%
tablet: 15,977 - 15,70%
- A list of the mobile devices used.
- Apple iphone Apple ipad
- (not set)
- Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
- Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
- Tesco Hudi 2
- Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
- Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
- Sony D2303 Xperia M2
- Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 Mini
Chrome: 30,307Internet explorer – 26,475
- 9.0 – 10,041
- 11.0 – 9,911
- 8.0 – 4,245
- 10.0 - 2,035 7.0 – 228
- 6.0 – 14
Safari (in-app): 10,311
Firefox: 5,043
Android Browser : 3,325 Amazon silk: 1,178
Mozilla Compatible Agent: 321
not set 265
opera: 203
Compared to last year
Compared to June 2014 and our previous siteWe have had 19.75% more users (62,912 vs 52,538) who spent on average 33.81% (00:02:22 vs 00:01:46) longer on our site and they visited 58.80% more pages (321,750 vs 202,616).
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