Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 April - 30 April 2015


The number of people who visited this site: 38,174

Visits: 65,8751 (the number of visits to the site those 38,174 people made)

Page views: 236,352

Page view per visits:  3.59 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:44

New visitors: 30,152 (45.8%)

Returning visitors: 35,723 (54.2 %)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

  1. devon
  2. police
  3. devon and cornwall police
  4. aa road watch
  5. devon and cornwall
  6. devon and cornwall police jobs
  7. www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/firearms
  8. report my loss
  9. torquay police station
  10. traffic watch

Top 10 search words from the internal search

  1. Jobs
  2. firearms
  3. lay patrols
  4. recruitment
  5. jobs
  6. targets
  7. vacancies
  8. lost property
  9. lay patrols
  10. puppy blog

Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           33,368 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          6,890 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          5,513 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        8,793 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        6,449 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      3,915 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              947 visits

Pages visited

  1. home page
  2. News
  3. recruitment
  4. Current vacancies
  5. Traffic watch
  6. Contact 
  7. police staff
  8. local policing
  9. firearms
  10. police officer

Traffic source

  1. Google / organic: 33,793
  2. Direct 15,521
  3. t.co / referral 4,319
  4. bing / organic 2,644
  5. m.facebook.com / referral 1,706
  6. intranet /referral 1,432 
  7. police.uk / referral 953
  8. yahoo / organis 909
  9. bbc.co.uk / referral 851
  10. facebook.com/referral 461


desktop: 35,355 - 53.67%

mobile: 19,770 - 30.01%

tablet:  10,.750- 16.320%


  1. A list of the mobile devices used.

  2. Apple iphone
Apple ipad
  3. (not set)
  4. Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
  5. Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
  6. Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
  7. Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 Mini
  8. Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
  9. Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7

  10. Google nexus 7
  11. Sony D2303 Xperia M2


  • Chrome: 20,387
  • Safari: 18,803
  • Internet explorer – 16,386
    • 11.0 – 6,935
    • 9.0 – 4,779
    • 8.0 – 2,806
    • 10.0 - 1,602
7.0 – 210
    • 6.0 – 54
  • Firefox: 4,121
Safari (in-app): 2,628
  • Android Browser : 2,,354
  • Amazon silk: 851
  • opera: 142
  • Blackberry: 86
  • IE with Chrome Frame 37

Compared to April 2014 and our previous site

We have had -16.52% less users (38,174 vs 45,730) who spent on average 52.75% (00:02:44 vs 00:01:47) longer on our site and they visited 27.03% more pages(236,352 vs 186,066).

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