The number of people who visited this site: 38,174Visits: 65,8751 (the number of visits to the site those 38,174 people made)
Page views: 236,352
Page view per visits: 3.59 avg.
Visit duration: 00:02:44
New visitors: 30,152 (45.8%)
Returning visitors: 35,723 (54.2 %)
Top 10 search words from external Google search
- devon
- police
- devon and cornwall police
- aa road watch
- devon and cornwall
- devon and cornwall police jobs
- report my loss
- torquay police station
- traffic watch
Top 10 search words from the internal search
- Jobs
- firearms
- lay patrols
- recruitment
- jobs
- targets
- vacancies
- lost property
- lay patrols
- puppy blog
Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed
Visit duration 0 – 10 seconds 33,368 visitsVisit duration 11 – 30 seconds 6,890 visits
Visit duration 31 – 60 seconds 5,513 visits
Visit duration 61 – 180 seconds 8,793 visits
Visit duration 181 – 600 seconds 6,449 visits
Visit duration 601 – 1800 seconds 3,915 visits
Visit duration 1801 +seconds 947 visits
Pages visited
- home page
- News
- recruitment
- Current vacancies
- Traffic watch
- Contact
- police staff
- local policing
- firearms
- police officer
Traffic source
- Google / organic: 33,793
- Direct 15,521
- / referral 4,319
- bing / organic 2,644
- / referral 1,706
- intranet /referral 1,432
- / referral 953
- yahoo / organis 909
- / referral 851
- 461
desktop: 35,355 - 53.67%mobile: 19,770 - 30.01%
tablet: 10,.750- 16.320%
- A list of the mobile devices used.
- Apple iphone Apple ipad
- (not set)
- Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
- Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
- Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
- Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 Mini
- Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
- Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
- Google nexus 7
- Sony D2303 Xperia M2
- Chrome: 20,387
- Safari: 18,803
- Internet explorer – 16,386
- 11.0 – 6,935
- 9.0 – 4,779
- 8.0 – 2,806
- 10.0 - 1,602 7.0 – 210
- 6.0 – 54
- Firefox: 4,121 Safari (in-app): 2,628
- Android Browser : 2,,354
- Amazon silk: 851
- opera: 142
- Blackberry: 86
- IE with Chrome Frame 37
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