The number of people (Users) who visited this site: 63,339Visits (sessions): 93,696 (the number of visits to the site those 58,002 users made)
Page views: 228,400
Page visits (Pages / sessions): 2.44 Avg.
Visit Duration: 00:01:48 New Visitors: 52,401 (55.9%)
Returning Visitors: 41,295 (44.1%)
Use of site search
visits without site search: 97%visits with site search 3% (2,830)
Top 10 search words from site search
- firearms
- lost property
- jobs
- vacancies
- jobs
- lost and found
- lost property
- police puppies
- shotgun
- recruitment
Top 10 search words from external Google search
- devon and cornwall police
- police
- devon & cornwall police
- devon and cornwall police jobs
- devon cornwall police
- special constable
- devon and cornwall
- police status 12
- exeter police
- cornwall
Most popular site pages/sections:
- Homepage
- Join us
- Traffic
- Contact us
- Crime prevention Telephone fraud
- news and appeals
- search
- Firearms certificate
- Enquiry offices
- General enquiry form
Engagement – how long they stayed
Visit duration 0 – 10 seconds 56,793 visitsVisit duration 11 – 30 seconds 7,893 visits
Visit duration 31 – 60 seconds 6,880visits
Visit duration 61 – 180 seconds 10,129 visits
Visit duration 181 – 600 seconds 7,234 visits
Visit duration 601 – 1800 seconds 4,089 visits
Visit duration 1801 +seconds 678 visits
Traffic source
Top ChannelsOrganic search : 46.7%
Direct 31%
Referral: 7.9%
Social: 7.3%
Other: 7%
In detail / twitter: 14, / referral: 3,006
bing / organic: 2,694 / referral: 2,432
twitterfeed / twitter 1,368
Yahoo / organic: 1,339
intranet/referral: 1,014 / referral: 959
desktop: 40,143mobile: 36,466
tablet: 17,087
A list of the mobile devices used.Apple iphone Apple ipad
Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
(not set)
Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 Mini
Google nexus 7
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
Internet explorer – 20,264
11.0 – 7,5198.0 – 5,142
9.0 – 3,942
10.0 - 2,800
7.0 – 742
6.0 – 188
Other browsers
Safari: 24,539Chrome: 22,784
Safari (in-app): 12,991
Android Browser : 6,527
Firefox: 4,925
Amazon silk: 879
Blackberry: 262
opera: 214
i.e. with chrome frame: 127
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