Monday, 9 February 2015

Devon & Cornwall Police Google analytics for 01 January - 31 January 2015


The number of people (Users) who visited this site: 53,690

Visits (sessions): 95,997 (the number of visits to the site those 53,690 users made)

Page views: 359,891

Page visits (Pages / sessions):  3.75
Visit Duration: 00:02:40
New Visitors: 42,990 (44.8%)
Returning Visitors: 53,007 (55.2%)

Top 10 search words from external Google search

devon and cornwall police
bbd devon travel
devon & cornwall police firearms
devon and cornwall police jobs
devon  and cornwall police
traffic watch
devon police
devon travel news

Behaviour - engagement – how long they stayed

Visit duration        0 – 10 seconds           47,889 visits

Visit duration        11 – 30 seconds          10,510 visits

Visit duration        31 – 60 seconds          8,307 visits

Visit duration        61 – 180 seconds        12,884 visits

Visit duration        181 – 600 seconds        9,492 visits

Visit duration        601 – 1800 seconds      5,536 visits

Visit duration        1801 +seconds              1,379 visits

Traffic source

Google / organic: 42,636
Direct 21,839 / referral 7,627 / referral 7,086
bing / organic 3,143
intranet /referral 1,758 / referral 1,694 / referral 1,456
yahoo / organis 1,228 934


desktop: 45,525 - 47.42%

mobile: 33,491 - 34.89%

tablet:  16,981 - 17,69%


A list of the mobile devices used.

Apple iphone

Apple ipad
Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
(not set)
Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
Samsung SM-G900A Galaxy S5
Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
Google nexus 7


Chrome: 27,336
Safari: 25,812

Internet explorer – 22,288

11.0 – 9,405
9.0 – 5,480
8.0 – 4,735
10.0 - 2,132
7.0 – 456
6.0 – 80

Safari (in-app): 9,169
Firefox: 5,108
Android Browser : 4,345
Amazon silk: 1,287
opera: 202
Blackberry: 187
Mozilla Compatible agent 136

Compared to last January 2014 and our previous site

We have had -38.93% less users (53,690 vs 87,911) who spent on average 70.34% (00:02:40 vs 00:01:34) longer on our site and they visited slightly more pages 10.94% (359,891 vs 324,405). (On the 3 (13,960) and 19 (12,106) January last year we had a sharp increase in the number of visitors to our site due to the weather and the washing away of part of the Dawlish sea wall and near collapse of the rail line.)