The number of people (Users) who visited this site: 43,708Visits (sessions): 69,091 (the number of visits to the site those 45,730 users made)
Page views: 192,677
Page visits (Pages / sessions): 2.79 Avg.
Visit Duration: 00:01:58
New Visitors: 33,460 (48.7%)
Returning Visitors: 35,451 (48.7%)
Use of Site Search
visits without site search: %96.2visits with site search %3.8 (2,609)
Top 10 search words from site search
1. firearms2. lost property
3. jobs
4. police puppies
6. vacancies
7. Lost and found
8. firearms
9. Chris singer
10. shotgun
Top 10 search words from external Google search
1. police2. devon and cornwall police
3. devon and cornwall police jobs
4. devon & cornwall police
5. devon and cornwall
6. devon cornwall police
8. bumblebee auctions
9. cornwall
10. cornwall police
Most popular site pages/sections:
1. Homepage2. Join us
3. Current vacancies
4. Traffic updates
5. Contact us
6. News
7. Contact enquiry offices
8. Firearms Certificate
9. Puppy Scheme Blog
Engagement – how long they stayed
Visit duration 0 – 10 seconds 38,258 visitsVisit duration 11 – 30 seconds 6,672visits
Visit duration 31 – 60 seconds 5,836 visits
Visit duration 61 – 180 seconds 8,761 visits
Visit duration 181 – 600 seconds 5,849 visits
Visit duration 601 – 1800 seconds 3,250 visits
Visit duration 1801 +seconds 465 visits
Traffic source
Google / organic: 32,503 (direct) / (none) : 15, / twitter: 8,809
bing / organic: 2,,544 / referral: 2,173
Yahoo / organic: 1,116 / referral: 1,049
intranet/referral: 831 / referral: 826 / referral: 397
desktop: 36,275mobile: 21,119
tablet: 11,697
A list of the mobile devices used.Apple iphone
Apple ipad
Samsung GT-19505 Galaxy S IV
Samsung GT-19300 Galaxy S III
Samsung GT-18190N Galaxy S III Mini
(not set)
Google nexus 7
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
Samsung GT-19100 Galaxy SII
Samsung GT-19195 Galaxy S4 Mini
Internet explorer – 19,08111.0 – 5,903
8.0 – 5,853
9.0 – 4,002
10.0 - 2,379
7.0 – 791
6.0 – 153
Other browsers
Safari: 18,700Chrome: 15,290
Safari (in-app): 5,491
Android Browser : 4,847
Firefox: 4,351
Amazon silk: 553
Blackberry: 243
opera: 208
IE with Chrome frame: 184